Highway Pickup - Service Project and a great way to "Commune with Nature"!
Posted by Andy Hayes
Record turnout (18 club members); Record pickup (over 26 bags of litter in two locations) and record time (we were heading home by 9:30)

Adopt a Highway pickup day a big success. The fun began at 7am with breakfast at JW Filmores, (and making sure everyone saw the safety video) followed by clean up crews hitting our US 131 section between Walloon Lake Junction and River Road (approx 2 miles) and our bike path section which is approx 1.5 miles behind Glens North. Lots of fun and as you can imagine, we had as much fun at breakfast as we did "communing with nature" on the service project.
Adopt a Highway pickup day a big success. The fun began at 7am with breakfast at JW Filmores, (and making sure everyone saw the safety video) followed by clean up crews hitting our US 131 section between Walloon Lake Junction and River Road (approx 2 miles) and our bike path section which is approx 1.5 miles behind Glens North. Lots of fun and as you can imagine, we had as much fun at breakfast as we did "communing with nature" on the service project.